UAS-based very high resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics of the coastal alluvial fan Guanillos, Atacama Desert

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Title:Main Title: UAS-based very high resolution digital elevation models and orthomosaics of the coastal alluvial fan Guanillos, Atacama Desert
Description:Abstract: This dataset contains the very high resolution (<5 cm) digital elevation models (DEM) and orthomosaics (OM) of four survey areas at the coastal alluvial fan Guanillos (GUA) in northern Chile (21.97°S, 70.17°W). DEMs and OMs are based on aerial imagery acquired with a low-cost unmanned aerial system (UAS) on the 7th and 8th of March 2018. Imagery was processed using an optimized workflow for photogrammetric structure-from-motion (SfM) multi-view stereo (MVS) processing. The spatial resolution of the DEMs and OMs ranges from 2.8 to 3.2 cm and 1.4 to 1.6 cm, respectively. The raster geodata is stored in GeoTIFF format.
Identifier:10.5880/CRC1211DB.40 (DOI)
Responsible Party
Creators:Janek Walk (Author), Melanie Bartz (Author), Georg Stauch (Author), Helmut Brückner (Author), Frank Lehmkuhl (Author)
Funding Reference:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): CRC 1211: Earth - Evolution at the Dry Limit
Publisher:CRC1211 Database (CRC1211DB)
Publication Year:2021
CRC1211 Topic:Remote Sensing
Related Subproject:C2
Subjects:Keywords: Ground-based remote sensing, Geomorphology, GIS
Geogr. Information Topic:Environment
File Details
Data Type:Dataset - Raster geodata
Size:8 Datasets
File Size:1.8 GB
Date:Created: 28.07.2020
Mime Type:application/zip
Data Format:GeoTIFF
Archive Content
Download Permission:Free
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement. © Author(s) 2021. CC Attribution 4.0 license.
Access Limitations:According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement. © Author(s) 2021. CC Attribution 4.0 license.
Licence:[Creative Commons] Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Specific Information - Data
Temporal Extent:07.03.2018, 13:59:00 - 08.03.2018, 09:02:00
Lineage:Coordinate system: WGS 1984 / UTM zone 19S (32719); Vertical DEM reference: mean sea level (orthometric heights); Spatial resolution (ground sampling distance) of DEM / OM [m]: GUA_M1: 0.0315131 / 0.0157569, GUA_M2: 0.0305558 / 0.0152784, GUA_M3: 0.0304855 / 0.0152432, GUA_M4: 0.0277049 / 0.0138527
Subtype:Geospatial Data
Spatial Representation:Grid
Initiative Type:Study
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Janek Walk
Metadata Created:28.04.2021
Metadata Last Updated:26.05.2021
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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