Compilation of regional geological maps 1:250000 (original geodata and compiled shapefiles) of Northwest Namibia
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Title: | Main Title: Compilation of regional geological maps 1:250000 (original geodata and compiled shapefiles) of Northwest Namibia |
Description: | Abstract: This dataset contains 12 regional geological maps in the scale of 1:250000 of Northwest Namibia. The following original map data is provided: (1) GSN (2002a): Geological Map of Area 1712 Swartbooisdrif; (2) GSN (2011a): Geological Map of Area 1714 Oshakati; (3) GSN (2011b): Geological Map of Area 1812 Opuwo; (4) GSN (2010a): Geological Map of Area 1814 Etosha West; (5) GSN (1998): Geological Map of Area 1912 Sesfontein; (6) GSN (2009): Geological Map of Area 1914 Kamanjab; (7) GSN (2008): Geological Map of Area 1914 Tsumeb; (8) GSN (2010b): Geological Map of Area 2013 Cape Cross; (9) GSN (2006a): Geological Map of Area 2014 Fransfontein; (10) GSN (2002b): Geological Map of Area 2016 Otjiwarongo; (11) GSN (1996): Geological Map of Area 2114 Omaruru; (12) GSN (2006b): Geological Map of Area 2116 Okahandja. For full references, please check the documentation included in the compiled file folder. All original maps are provided as ESRI shapefiles (.shp) additionally summarized in mxd-project files compatible for ESRI ArcMap and importable into ArcGIS Pro. The following geological layers are included, if applicable: lithostratigraphic polygons, covered lithostratigraphic units, structural lines, structural measurements (points), intrusive dykes, thin lithostratigraphic units shown as arcs, mineral occurrences, areas of poor outcrop, areas heavily intruded by pegmatites, occurrences of quartz (points), extent of Namib sand cover, and thickness of Kalahari cover. In addition, the following topographic geodata is provided: rivers, roads, farms, contours, digital terrain model as TIN, spot heights and beacons, waterpoints, railway sidings, towns, steads, district boundaries and polygons, region boundaries and polygons, and boundaries and polygons of National Parks. Note that the original source data of the maps is indicated in the separate shapefiles [Map index]_source_of_data. All maps by the Geological Survey of Namibia are projected into WGS 1984 UTM Zone 33S (EPSG: 32733). Furthermore, the map data is accompanied each by a copyright statement (.pdf), an INFO document (.doc), and a map sheet explanation (.pdf). Moreover, those 12 maps were merged into one shapefile (.shp) for the bedrock geology, structural lineaments, structural points, dykes, source_of_data, roads, heights, and towns, respectively. In addition, the compilation contains a shapefile designating the 12 original digital maps provided by the GSN, a documentation (.pdf), and a copyright statement (.pdf). Note that the compiled bedrock geology is stored under “LITHCODE” in the attribute table of the bedrock geology shapefile. For the full meaning of the attribute “LITHCODE” we refer to the original printed maps and the map sheet explanations. The attribute table of the complied bedrock geology was reduced to the original attributes “AREA”, “PERIMETER”, “LITHCODE”, “Other_rock”, “Age”, “Supergroup”, “Group”, “Suite”, and “Informal”. Furthermore, we added three attributes “Petr_Cl_1”, “Petr_Cl_2”, and “Petr_Cl_3” summarizing the bedrock lithology into 13, 10, and 5 classes, respectively. Reclassification of the bedrock geology was conducted based on the information drawn from the “LITHCODES”, which are summarized in the attribute “Main_Litho”. The reclassification procedure is summarized in a separate xlsx-file. The merged bedrock geology and faults are projected into WGS 1984 UTM Zone 33S (EPSG: 32733). |
Citation Advice: | Please quote the original maps accordingly, also when the compiled map data is used. Full references for the maps are provided in the included documentation. |
Responsible Party
Creators: | Janek Walk (Processor), Julian Krieger (Processor), Dominik Brill (Resource Provider), Frank Lehmkuhl (Resource Provider) |
Funding Reference: | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): CRC 1211: Earth - Evolution at the Dry Limit |
Publisher: | CRC1211 Database (CRC1211DB) |
Publication Year: | 2022 |
CRC1211 Topic: | Surface |
Related Subproject: | C2 |
Subjects: | Keywords: Geomorphology, Structural Geology, Quaternary Geology, GIS |
Geogr. Information Topic: | Geoscientific Information |
File Details
Filename: | |
Data Type: | Dataset - Geological maps |
Size: | 417318 Kilobytes |
File Size: | 407.5 MB |
Date: | Updated: 24.01.2022 |
Mime Type: | application/zip |
Data Format: | ESRI Shapefile |
Language: | English |
Status: | Completed |
Download Permission: | Only Project Members |
General Access and Use Conditions: | According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement and the copyright agreement with the Geological Survey of Namibia. |
Access Limitations: | According to the CRC1211DB data policy agreement and the copyright agreement with the Geological Survey of Namibia. |
Licence: | [CRC1211DB] Data policy agreement |
Specific Information - Data
Temporal Extent: | 01.01.1981 - 31.12.2016 |
Subtype: | Geospatial Data |
Scope: | Dataset |
Initiative Type: | Collection |
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator: | Janek Walk |
Metadata Created: | 24.01.2022 |
Metadata Last Updated: | 24.01.2022 |
Subproject: | C2 |
Funding Phase: | 2 |
Metadata Language: | English |
Metadata Version: | V50 |
Metadata Export
Metadata Schema: |
Dataset Statistics
Page Visits: | 224 |
Metadata Downloads: | 0 |
Dataset Downloads: | 0 |
Dataset Activity

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Adequate reference when this dataset will be discussed or used in any publication or presentation is mandatory. In this case please contact the dataset creator.
Adequate reference when this dataset will be discussed or used in any publication or presentation is mandatory. In this case please contact the dataset creator.